Motherhood with Two Toddlers | Toddler Life | Mom Life | Must-Have Items For Toddlers


I still can’t believe I get to be a mom of these two AMAZING miracles. God is so very gracious to allow me to mother them. I have to keep this in mind in the midst of endless mess, temper tantrums, and loads of laundry. I wanted to share with you all an update on motherhood with a three year old and a one year old.

Josiah turned one back in March so this is a bit late but he is however now 15 months. Apparently he is considered a “late walker” as he refuses to walk on his own without you holding his hand. The boy can walk but ONLY if you hold one of his hands. You don’t even have to hold both hands, just one hand. The doctor said not to worry because every child walks at different times. His legs are straight and he’s right on with his development. He just needs to believe that he can walk on his own. I feel like this is something the Lord will have me share with him in the future as he learns to walk with God.

Life is BUSY! I am constantly thinking about a house project that needs to get done, getting the kids ready for school activities and THEN after-school activities. Even though my kids are young, I always keep in mind that God has already gifted and purposed them for what they should be doing. I just need to keep an eye out for what that is and steward in the right way. God will do it that I am certain. One thing I have to work on honestly is PATIENCE. It’s kinda funny because recently I asked in a instastory what area do they (moms) need the most help in and “PATIENCE” was definitely the number on thing that moms listed as the hardest thing about motherhood. I totally get it. I pray about this more and more. With two toddlers it’s become even harder, but again I have to remember that my kids are beautiful gifts from above. Still not easy, but it helps when I have the right perspective.

So here are the updates:

Olivia is hands down a SMART, VERY SMART little girl. I know all parents say that but what makes ME say that is when I’m not looking and what she is doing and saying. I watch her very closely and I’ve noticed that she watches me very closely as well. We are both similar in that. The mother-daughter connection in my opinion is SO different. I’m having to pray everyday because I know my number one goal is to introduce her to God and having a relationship with HIM! As she has gotten older I am aiming to help her understand her value and strength. She knows what she likes and doesn’t like even at THREE! That blows my mind daily. She has made me level up in every area including showing up for myself. With her watching I want to show her HOW to show up for herself and not be held back by fear or timidity.

Josiah is SUCH a boy. He talks different and interacts with us differently. He LOVES to kiss and is somewhat of a little flirt. He has his favorite person in his daycare class and YES it’s a little girl. They are two peas in pod. They really enjoy being around each other. It’s cute to watch. He’s only 15 months at this point, but I love seeing his personality shine through. He LOVES his sister. She is pretty much the only person that can make him laugh super hard. He laughs at EVERYTHING she does. She loves him too. Her favorite thing to do with him is wrestling. We’ve had to calm her down in this area due to being too rough. One day he will be able to handle himself but right now she’s a little rough with him. He’s okay and he never cries. He just laughs. He starts early childhood in the Fall at the same school as his sister and I couldn’t be more excited. Not only will they be at the same school, but our drive to pick them up will be cut in half. Josiah’s daycare is 30 minutes away from Olivia’s school in the opposite direction. Talk about tired! It’s worth it for us to have them both in amazing places that really focus on care and development.

As for us as a family, we definitely want one more child but we’re focused on getting healthy, losing weight and transitioning the kids to a place of independence. Well at least as much as they can get right now. That brings me to this….

A List Of things you NEED for Toddler Life. This list are my MUST-HAVES! They have been game changers for us. The list isn’t that long but definitely have helped us manage this whole mom of two thing.

(Just click on the photo or link to learn more!)

  1. The seat covers are perfect for when you go to a public restaurant or if you just want to make sure your little one is clean while using the bathroom. Those little hands find themselves everywhere.

  2. Toddler seats for the toilet. These are great because they fit with most home decor and we have two. One for the kids bathroom (upstairs) and one for the guest bathroom (downstairs). There is even a wall hook to keep it out of the way when not needed.

  3. This play mat is MY favorite! It looks like a regular rug but is the consistency of a high quality play mate. Totally a favorite item!

  4. Yes this is a toy. But MOST toddlers want to play with the remote. This is there VERY own remote control.

  5. This high-chair is my favorite because it grows with your kid. My daughter is three and doesn’t need it anymore but we still use it as a booster seat for her. She’s still not tall enough to eat at the table in a regular chair. We got the same chair for Josiah and he’s in the high chair portion. He will soon transition to the booster chair as well.

  6. This step stool is great for both the bathroom and the kitchen. Also it fits with most home decors as well.

  7. Easy to clean toddler bibs. These are waterproof and SUPER easy to clean. No washer machine needed.

Motherhood Taught Me......

Motherhood Taught Me.....png

Well, here we are, three and half years after I embarked upon the journey of a lifetime, literally. I wish I could say that reading all the books prepared me for my journey of motherhood, but the truth is, it felt like a rude awakening. If you’re expecting your first child I don’t say this to sound negative. I am that person that rejects all negative advice and only wants the best. I want think, speak and see the best in every situation. This applied to motherhood as well. Everyone has a different journey, some are harder than others, but we each are given a grace for OUR journey. Here are a few things motherhood taught me:

  1. Embrace the imperfections. As a person that sets goals and gives it my all, motherhood taught me that things will OFTEN times not go as planned. It took me a LONG time to realize that this is something to embrace instead of fighting it. I felt like a failure as a mom at first. I remember feeling like I wasn’t doing this right when I had complications breastfeeding my firstborn, my daughter. It was a ROUGH journey, but it was my introduction to embrace imperfect.

  2. The world I knew before doesn’t exist anymore and now that I have a little person to look after the life I once lived is now enhanced in every beautiful and challenging way. I felt like I walked through a door and it shut behind me and disappeared. This new world of motherhood is all consuming if you let it. For me, I found a new identity still with my dreams intact. You don’t have to lose yourself in motherhood, you just find out who you are in the midst of it. Often times its a better version as the love you now exude transforms you.

  3. To slow down and enjoy the moments. These moments are simply some of the best moments of your life. I know it, I can feel, no has to tell me, the joy unspeakable is contagious and addicting. It’s the smell of flower I never want to go away. Its my favorite scent and while I want it to stay, it HAS to pass me by. Motherhood is not something to idolize, its something to enjoy, to experience.

  4. Be present. This world has changed. I am apart of the generation the remembers what it was like BEFORE the internet. The internet has made us more distracted. Whether you agree or not, we have more attention on our phones and online. The problem with this is these little people grow so fast and to me time sped up when I had children. As stated in number three, really try hard to cherish every moment. Take the photo, then put the phone down. Sometimes, don’t even take the photo, the beauty of that moment may best be shared in your memory.

  5. Be intentional about family time. From making weekly dinners to daily prayer times with your kids, I’ve learned that THESE are the big moments of my week. Being a stay at home mom has given me even more focus to create these moments. They are the glue to building solid and fruitful relationships with those that matter within our homes.

These are just a FEW of the MANY lessons I’ve learned. I may do a part two as my children grow because each age is different. I’m in the one to three year age range now and I’m even learning more now that I have a son and a daughter. The two are so different. What has motherhood taught you?